This is our Junior School Phonics/Spelling page. Please scroll down and you will find Monday to Friday's learning.
Please PRINT for Alphabet Letter Tiles
List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
List 5
List 6
List 7
For our fabulous students above Essential Spelling Lists:
The general rule is...If you remove -able from a word, you are left with a complete word (renewable, renew). If you remove -ible from a word, you are not left with a complete word (sensible, sens).
PRINT come here PRINT 'come' here
For our fabulous students above Essential Spelling Lists:
Vowel Chart
Walt has been busy practising his spelling. He wanted to share his idea! You too could use pipe cleaners, straws or string to make your spelling words!
Fun with Spelling!
This is optional fun! The activities highlighted in yellow are for any age group.
Please PRINT for Alphabet Letter Tiles
Monday 6 September
For our amazing Koru 1a students:
Each coloured box makes a word.
For our super Koru 1b students:
PRINT Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Consonant
For our fantastic students reading on the colour wheel:
You can either scroll through the feet and say the words.
- Print the feet.
- Place them on the floor in different areas.
- Jump on a foot and say the word.
- Sound it out.
- Spell it out loud.
For our terrific students on Essential Spelling Lists:
List 1
Learning the Spelling Rule... i before e except after c
Print out the following work...
Tuesday 7 September
For our amazing Koru 1a students:
For our super Koru 1b students:
For our fantastic students reading on the colour wheel:
For our terrific students on Essential Spelling Lists:
For our fabulous students above Essential Spelling Lists:
Learning the Spelling Rule... when to use -able and -ible
Wednesday 8 September
For our amazing Koru 1a students:
For our super Koru 1b students:
For our fantastic students reading on the colour wheel:
PRINT come here PRINT 'come' here
For our terrific students on Essential Spelling Lists:
Learning the Spelling Rule... when to use a hyphen
A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words.
Thursday 9 September
For our amazing Koru 1a students:
For our fantastic students reading on the colour wheel:
PRINT 'big' here PRINT 'big' here YELLOW
For our terrific students on Essential Spelling Lists:
For our fabulous students above Essential Spelling Lists:
Learning the Spelling Rule... words that contain silent letters.
Friday 10 September
For our Koru 1 students:
- Print the 4 sheets below.
- Cut up the pictures boxes.
- Sort the pictures that belong to the letter eg. apple for 'a'.
- Glue the pictures on.
Print 'a' here
For students reading on the colour wheel:
- Look at the back of your reading book to find out what colour you are reading at eg. blue.
- Choose the colour puzzle below.
- Print the puzzle.
- Colour the puzzle eg. a beach scene.
- Cut out the puzzle pieces.
- Put the pieces back together, saying the word as you do so.
For students on Essential Spelling Lists:
Complete the word search below.
For students above Essential Spelling Lists:
Complete the word search below.
Monday 30 August
For our AMAZING children who read books on the colour wheel:
Listen to the clip that matches your reading book!
KORU 1 Complete the activity 'I Spy and Read'!
In this activity you draw a line from the word to the picture to show that they match.
For our AMAZING children reading at Gold and above:
Doubling the Final Consonant
Complete these activities:
Tuesday 31 August
KORU 1 Complete the 'Initial Sounds'
In this activity you write the initial sound that you hear for each picture.
For our AMAZING children reading at Gold and above:
Spelling Rule for 'nk'
Complete the following activities:
Wednesday 1 September
KORU 1 Complete 'What Letter is Missing'?
In this activity you look at one picture and say the word out loud. Sound out each letter sound. What letter is missing?
For our AMAZING children reading at Gold and above:
Spelling Rule for 'ing' and 'ed'
Complete these activities:
Thursday 2 September
KORU 1 Complete 'Say it, Join it, Write it'
In this activity you say the word, draw a pen line to each letter to join them together and practice writing the word.
For our AMAZING children reading at Gold and above:
Spelling Rule for 'es' and 's'
Complete these activities:
Friday 3 September
Try these Word Searches : ) Click on a link below. Have fun!
Word Search Fun!
Make a word search using the words from your list. You could ask a family member to solve it! Word Search
You will find vowel clips to listen to at the very bottom of this page under the heading 'Vowels'. Listen to one or all three of these clips. Highlight the vowels in the words from yesterday's list. Can you hear the difference in the vowel sounds? For example, the 'a' sound in make and wash. Classify your words into vowel groups, for example, a e i o u using the chart below.
Word Lists and Fun with Syllables!
At the very bottom of the Resources page you will find your child's sight words for their reading level. Please print out the sheets that match your child's reading level eg. magenta, and practice the spelling activities.
All other students, please watch the clip below and choose 10 words. Break these words into syllables eg. gov-ern-ment. Clap the syllables.
This clip will help you
Long + Short Vowels
First, have a listen to this song:
You can either do some of the worksheets provided below or make your own list of words that have long or short vowel sounds!
Colouring Activity
Blends and Digraph Challenge
Your challenge is to find at least 1 thing in your house that starts with or includes each blend from the sheet below. For example, 'bl' could be something Blue and 'Ch' could be a chair. Try and find different examples from the ones on the sheet below.
Alphabet Challenge
Essential spelling lists 1-4
Please find the link to these words lists under the resources folder
Phonics Songs
Practise singing these songs at home. How many letters and sounds do you know?
1. To extend your learning see if you can find objects around the house that begin with or have the sound in them.
2. Make a list or take photos of the things you found. Make a visual dictionary!
3. Focus on a sound and write a sentence or two that includes words with that sound.
This clip will help you
Long + Short Vowels
First, have a listen to this song:
You can either do some of the worksheets provided below or make your own list of words that have long or short vowel sounds!
Colouring Activity
This is when an 'e' at the end of the word has the power to make the vowel in the word say its name, like this: say 'pin' and then say 'pine', see how 'i' makes the short sound in pin but the long sound in pine.
Here is a short video to watch then scroll down and use the magic e wand to change the words on the list:
Follow the link to a printable list of words and a magic e wand to use with it:
Your challenge is to find at least 1 thing in your house that starts with or includes each blend from the sheet below. For example, 'bl' could be something Blue and 'Ch' could be a chair. Try and find different examples from the ones on the sheet below.
Take a photo of the list and email it to your teacher!
1. To extend your self write 3 sentences that make sense using 3 different blends and digraphs in each sentence.
2. Make a word find using 10 of the blends and digraphs. If you want to make it harder make a crossword of 10 blends and digraphs. Remember you will need to think of clues for each word. Challenge your parents to see if they can work them out!
3. Play blends and digraph Bingo! Print the cards off below. Cut out the calling cards and grab something you can use as counters!
Blend and Digraph Songs
This is an example of how you could show your findings.
1. To extend your self write 3 sentences that make sense using 3 different blends and digraphs in each sentence.
2. Make a word find using 10 of the blends and digraphs. If you want to make it harder make a crossword of 10 blends and digraphs. Remember you will need to think of clues for each word. Challenge your parents to see if they can work them out!
3. Play blends and digraph Bingo! Print the cards off below. Cut out the calling cards and grab something you can use as counters!
Blend and Digraph Songs
Alphabet Challenge
Your Phonics challenge is to find at least 1 thing in your house that starts with each letter of the alphabet. For example, 'a' could be apple and 'b' could be brownies. Take a photo of the list and email it to your teacher.
Please find the link to these words lists under the resources folder
Phonics Songs
Practise singing these songs at home. How many letters and sounds do you know?
1. To extend your learning see if you can find objects around the house that begin with or have the sound in them.
2. Make a list or take photos of the things you found. Make a visual dictionary!
3. Focus on a sound and write a sentence or two that includes words with that sound.