Wellbeing resources


Mindfulness in the Garden

Sit down somewhere in the garden and try this very quick mindfulness activity; 

  • Notice 5 natural things you can see
  • Notice 4 different colours in these things
  • Notice 3 different textures – e.g rugged bark, pointed grass
  • Notice 2 things you can smell
  • Notice 1 favourite thing from any part of today

Stay still for a moment longer, then slowly open your eyes – how are you feeling?

Health & Wellbeing - Continuing from yesterdays theme of being a good friend, lets today look at kindness. Watch the youtube clip about being kind, you could then do some mindful colouring or make someone a thank you card. Check out the blog for links.

Health & Wellbeing - following on from last week, did you fill someones 'bucket' with kindness? We often fill our friends 'buckets' with kindness. This week we are thinking about what being a good friend is. Go to the Wellbeing tab on the blog to find a fun movie clip and some drawing activities to choose from. Maybe you could write a friend a letter or give them a call on the phone.

Health and Wellbeing - Fill your bucket! When you fill your own or someone else's 'bucket' we are referring to making ourselves and others feel good by sharing kindness. By saying or doing something kind to others, we fill someone's bucket with good feelings and in doing so we feel good ourselves. 'Bucket' dipping refers to being unkind, making someone feel unhappy. Have a look through the 'Acts of Kindness cards and chat about how these things would make others feel. The attached word find and crossword will help children to understand this further.